External Infrastructure Penetration Test


  • This type of assessment is focused on assessing the external, Internet-facing infrastructure of your corporate network.
  • These could include be VPN endpoints, web servers, mail servers etc.
  • This test simulates an external hacker trying to break into your corporate environment so this assessment provides you with a real risk indicator as to your external security posture.
  • Our staff are experts with knowledge of the latest attack techniques.
  • A combination of manual and automated testing is utilized.


  • Identifies security flaws, misconfigured firewalls and lack of security hardening.
  • Methodology and techniques used resemble those of hackers but non-destructive of course.
  • Detailed report explaining how to fix security vulnerabilities that were found.
  • We pro-actively identify security threats that could result in compromise, and advise on how to fix these issues so they don’t get abused by “bad actors”.
  • Meet compliance goals.